Monday, April 18, 2011

Thoughts at thirty three weeks

  • I made 6 separate to do lists yesterday... as Chad will attest, I am a list maker. Glad to have things to do to occupy my mind for the next 7 weeks, but I'm also anxious to start crossing things off. Crossing things off of lists is my favorite thing ever - sometimes I write down something I already did just so I can cross it off.
  • Our stroller travel system should arrive today and I am so excited! I don't know why I'm so excited to practice using a stroller and installing a car seat, but I am! I guess because it means we are one step closer to parenthood :)
  • We went to visit Carlyle last week and when she realized Dach was there with no Nana (I was coming separately from work) - she cried. Kinda made me feel good, but not in a mean I-want-my-niece-to-cry kind of way. Glad she loves us so much, cause we sure love her!
  • Chad and I spent Saturday afternoon in Ft. Worth as a little birthday celebration and had a lot of fun! Blog post and pictures to come.
  • Emmet was measuring a little small at our appointment this morning. It is probably due to his weird position (aka his foot was sticking out of my side), but we are going to get a sonogram on Wednesday just to be sure. I'm just glad we get to see his little self again!
  • I am losing site of my feet. And my mom told me last week, "You sure have that third trimester waddle."
  • I feel like everyone I know who is having babies - which is almost everyone - has more creative inspiration for their nursery than I do. Does anyone else feel this way?!
  • There is joy in my heart because it is almost Easter! There is incredible significance in Christ's willing sacrifice just so He could know me in all my weakness. Easter is the ultimate definition of Love, the origin of Hope and the reason for Peace. I honestly get a little teary thinking about what Easter really means. I'm sure some of you have seen this video before, but I just love it and like to watch it again from time to time:

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

  1. reading your easter post just made me tear beautiful :)
