Thursday, December 6, 2012

18 mo checkup / 2 months gluten free

Emmet had his 18 month check up this week and got a great report! It has also been 2 months of being gluten-free.

  • 23 lbs - which is a gain of three pounds in the last 2 months!! Actually, when we went in for his endoscopy, he was in the 19 lbs range. He still has weight to gain to catch back up with his peers, but we are on the right track. We are so happy he has plumped up!!
  • 32 inches - a gain of an inch a half!
  • Five new teeth (as previously reported)
  • Tons more energy! It is so obvious now how bad he was feeling then and how great he feels now. 
  • Continues to literally AMAZE us with what he knows: 
    • Understands, illustrates and says "under"
    • Understands and says possessives, ie. Mama nose, Ben wawa, Ditty Dat wawa, Emmy eaw (ear), and of course, MY!!
    • Requests for things to be either on or off, especially the Christmas tree. He goes to it in the morning saying, "tree, dart (dark), light on, on, on, on"
    • Can identify school buses, big trucks and airplanes by their sound from far away.
    • We are trying to get him to put a T on the end of Emmet, so now he does that with everyone's name: Mamat, Bob-ot, etc.
    • So many words!
    • Loves loves loves swinging aka "nindry" (it makes him feel windy)
  • Emmet has adjusted easily to gluten free because he is too young to know a difference. I am thankful for that. I know we are going to have to deal with that a lot in the future, but I am glad that we can at least get our foundation for now. 
  • Our house is gluten-free, although Chad and I aren't completely. I did one month of gluten-free and didn't notice any difference, so I don't think I have a sensitivity to it. But we are all cutting back significantly because I don't buy any gluten. There are a ton of really good tasting and healthy options out there. I don't think I will ever want "real" pasta again! 
So all around, the doctor said he looks GREAT! What a blessing and a relief! Thank you, Jesus for healing our sweet boy!! We will go see his GI doc again in January. I just wanted to update those who may be wondering how the whole GF thing is going :) 

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